Sunday, February 10, 2013

Welcome, Rocky Fork Tennessee, to Conservation

Welcome, Rocky Fork Tennessee to conservation

As many of you know this is one of my favorite places to visit.  I was first introduced to the area as a member of Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy during one their scheduled hikes.  That day the weather unruly and flash flood warnings were in effect so the hike was a short walk and brief history of the area lead and presented by SAHC board member David Ramsey.

After hearing that  the final step in the conservation process was complete, I was again motivated to return.  I set out alone just after 6am and aside from one hunter who was "taking his rifle for a walk" I remained the only one in the area.

It was close to 30 degrees in the valley around the river, but much warmer with bright blue skies along the open ridge.  I spent the morning photographing some of my favorite spots and also explored new areas.  The light throughout the morning was quite magical and while some rays of light were better experienced than captured, there were plenty of wonderful photo opportunities.

Along with the recent conservation of approximately 10,000 acres, about 2,000 acres will be dedicated to the Tennessee State Park system making this Tenn. 55th State Park.

Additional information about the area can be found here



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