First of all I'd like to give a shout out to and Actually two shouts out to David.
Let me explain, David publishes a fantastic e-book called Craft and Vision, if you're not familiar with it I highly recommend you get all the copies made so far. Additionally, in a recent blog post David discusses a new exposure/marketing concept he has come up with, but more importantly he's encouraged everyone to share what they're working on;
I'm generally hesitant to post work within a project until the project is completed, and unfortunately I have many more projects underway than completed.
So that's two shouts out to David. My acknowledgement to Martin comes from within a copy of Craft and Vision. He has an article discussing "The Power of Printing" which doesn't help me too much, but he touches on something that has been vexing me for some time now; the fact of processing an image with a computer monitor that makes the image glow significantly brighter than the final print. I've tried to account for this using various processing techniques but Martin's simple statement about reducing the brightness of the monitor, to as much as 30% brightness, is so obvious I'm embarrassed to admit I never thought of it before.
To that end I'm including this image, which part of a project I'm working on (1 of 2 projects actually) in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. And the first of a series of images processed with my monitor brightness turned way down.
Heck, I'M embarrassed I never thought of that before! Great tip, thanks!